9. Sınıf İngilizce Uplift Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite World Heritage Cevapları Meb Yayınları

9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Uplift Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite World Heritage Sayfa 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Soruları ve Cevaplarını yazımızın devamından okuyabilirsiniz.

7. Ünite World Heritage

9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Uplift Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite World Heritage Sayfa 45 Cevapları



9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Uplift Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite World Heritage Sayfa 46 Cevapları


a. Listen to the audio and complete the following table. (Sesi dinleyin ve aşağıdaki tabloyu doldurun.)

The Golden
Mountains of Altai
The Historic
Centre of Bukhara
The Ahwar
Type of Site natural cultural archaeological and natıral (mixed)
Location Rusia Uzbekistan Iraq
Date of Inscription 1998 1993 2016
Importance an important habitat for many spacies a unique example of a medieval city in Turkistan one of the world's langest inland delta systems

b Listen to the audio again and circle the correct words/phrases. (Sesi tekrar dinleyin ve doğru kelimeleri/ifadeleri daire içine alın.)

1 The Altai Mountains site is located in northern / southern Siberia.
2 The Altai Mountains have one of the cleanest / harshest environments on Earth.
3 Many of the facilities in Bukhara are still in place / not the same.
4 Bukhara is on a trade route and older than two / three millennia.
5 The archaeological / natural sites in the Ahwar date from the years 4000–3000 BC.
6 The Ahwar, located in the southern part of Iraq, does not have a hot / cold environment.

c. Read the sentences and unscramble the words in capitals. Use them as clues to find the mystery word in the puzzle and write a sentence with it. (Cümleleri okuyun ve büyük harflerle yazılan kelimeleri çözün. Bulmacadaki gizemli kelimeyi bulmak ve onunla bir cümle yazmak için bunları ipucu olarak kullanın.)

Mystery word: COLUMN
Sentence: Columns are an important element in Greek architeccture. The columns at the site were mostly from the 3rd century BC.

Sütunlar Yunan mimarisinde önemli bir unsurdur. Alandaki sütunların çoğu MÖ 3. yüzyıldan kalmadır.

9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Uplift Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite World Heritage Sayfa 47 Cevapları


a. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the parentheses. Then reorder the paragraphs to make a meaningful story. (Cümleleri parantez içindeki kelimelerin doğru biçimiyle tamamlayın. Daha sonra anlamlı bir hikaye oluşturmak için paragrafları yeniden sıralayın.)

(5) Later, the weak and ugly colt became (become) a strong and beautiful horse, and it was a famous horse in society. People called that beautiful horse “Kırat”, and they called Ruşen Ali “Köroğlu”, which means “the son of the blind man.”

(3) When the Bey of Bolu (see) saw the ugly colt, he got very angry with Yusuf. He ordered his men to make Yusuf blind as a punishment. Then he gawe (give) the ugly colt to Yusuf and dismissed him.

(1) Many years ago, there was a ruler named the Bey of Bolu. He was rich and powerful, and he liked (like) horses very much. One day, he ordered (order) his stable master, Yusuf, to go to other villages and find a fine horse.

(6) In the end, Köroğlu turned (turn) into a brave and powerful man in years. He fed the poor and protected (protect) the weak with the help of his brave friends. Then he fought against the Bey of Bolu and defaeted (defeat) him in revenge for his father.

(4) Blind Yusuf went (go) back to his village and told the story to his son, Ruşen Ali. Yusuf decided (decide) to train the colt with the help of his son.

(2) After a few days, Yusuf found (find) a colt in one of the nomadic families. The colt was weak and ugly, but Yusuf knew (know) that it would be a strong and beautiful horse one day. He bought (buy) the colt and took it to the Bey of Bolu.

b. Complete the sentences with the words below. (Aşağıdaki sözcüklerle cümleleri tamamlayın.)

mythical - cultural - hospitality - nomadic - epic - melodic - ruler

1 The Oghuz led a(n) nomadic life; they stayed in tents and moved from place to place.
2 There were many mythical characters in the history of ancient civilizations.
3 The Ottoman Empire was famous for its hospitality towards guests from other nations.
4 Aşık Veysel was very good at telling melodic poems and narratives with his instrument.
5 The cultural traditions of their ancestors played an important role in ancient people’s lives.
6 In most ancient civilizations, the ruler was the man who had the best war skills.
7 The main idea of the epic of Gilgamesh is that no one can escape death.

c. Search for a traditional Turkish epic on the Net and summarize it below. (İnternette geleneksel bir Türk destanını arayın ve aşağıda özetleyin.)

"Dede Korkut" is a collection of epic stories that hold significant cultural and historical value in Turkish literature. These tales are filled with adventure, valor, and wisdom, featuring legendary heroes who face various challenges and adversaries. Through these narratives, themes of honor, loyalty, and resilience are prominently portrayed, providing insights into the values and beliefs of the Turkish people. The epic reflects the cultural identity and heritage of Turkey, serving as a source of inspiration and pride for generations.


"Dede Korkut", Türk edebiyatında önemli kültürel ve tarihi değer taşıyan destansı öykülerden oluşan bir derlemedir. Bu hikayeler, çeşitli zorluklarla ve düşmanlarla yüzleşen efsanevi kahramanların yer aldığı macera, cesaret ve bilgelikle doludur. Bu anlatılar aracılığıyla onur, sadakat ve dayanıklılık temaları belirgin bir şekilde tasvir ediliyor ve Türk halkının değerleri ve inançları hakkında fikir veriyor. Destan, Türkiye'nin kültürel kimliğini ve mirasını yansıtıyor, nesiller boyu ilham ve gurur kaynağı oluyor.

9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Uplift Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite World Heritage Sayfa 48 Cevapları


a. Rewrite the following questions and give answers to them according to the text as in the example. ()

e.g. Who / the city / build / ?
Who built the city?
Emperor Anastasius built the city.

1 Where / it / build / he / ?
2 When / he / it / build / ?
3 Why / build / he / it / ?
4 How / the castle / the people / build / ?
5 When / begin / the excavations / ?

  1. Where was it built? It was built in the south-east of Mardin, in Oğuz village.
  2. When was it built? It was built in 505 by Emperor Anastasius.
  3. Why did he build it? He built it as a military garrison to protect the border of the Eastern Roman Empire against the Sassanids.
  4. How was the castle built by the people? The people of the city carved rooms into the rock to build a castle and protected it with a 4-kilometre wall.
  5. When did the excavations begin? The excavations began to unearth the ancient city in 1986.


  • Nerede inşa edildi? Mardin'in güneydoğusunda, Oğuz Köyü'nde inşa edilmiştir.
  • Ne zaman inşa edildi? 505 yılında İmparator Anastasius tarafından yaptırılmıştır.
  • Neden inşa etti? Doğu Roma İmparatorluğu'nun sınırını Sasanilere karşı korumak için askeri bir garnizon olarak inşa etti.
  • Kale halk tarafından nasıl inşa edildi? Şehir halkı kale yapmak için kayalara odalar oymuş ve kaleyi 4 kilometrelik duvarla korumuş.
  • Kazılar ne zaman başladı? Antik kentin ortaya çıkarılmasına yönelik kazı çalışmalarına 1986 yılında başlandı.

b. Imagine that you are an archaeologist. Write the questions and answers about a historical place you know as in Exercise a. (Bir arkeolog olduğunuzu hayal edin. Alıştırma a'daki gibi bildiğiniz tarihi bir yerle ilgili soru ve cevapları yazın.)

  1. Where is the historical place located? The historical place is located in the valley of Cappadocia, Turkey.
  2. When was the historical place built? The historical place was built during the Hittite period, around 1600 BCE.
  3. Why was the historical place built? The historical place was built as an underground city to provide shelter and protection during times of war and invasions.
  4. How was the historical place constructed? The historical place was constructed by carving tunnels, rooms, and chambers into the soft volcanic rock, creating a complex network of underground passages and chambers.
  5. When did the excavation of the historical place begin? The excavation of the historical place began in the late 19th century when explorers and archaeologists started uncovering its hidden chambers and tunnels.


  1. Tarihi yer neresidir? Tarihi yer, Türkiye'nin Kapadokya vadisinde yer almaktadır.
  2. Tarihi mekan ne zaman inşa edildi? Tarihi mekan Hitit döneminde, M.Ö. 1600 yıllarında inşa edilmiştir.
  3. Tarihi mekan neden inşa edildi? Tarihi mekan, savaş ve istila zamanlarında barınma ve korunma sağlamak amacıyla yer altı şehri olarak inşa edilmiş.
  4. Tarihi mekan nasıl inşa edildi? Tarihi mekan, yumuşak volkanik kayaya tüneller, odalar ve odalar oyularak karmaşık bir yeraltı geçitleri ve odaları ağı oluşturularak inşa edildi.
  5. Tarihi mekanın kazısı ne zaman başladı? Tarihi mekandaki kazılar, kaşiflerin ve arkeologların buradaki gizli oda ve tünelleri ortaya çıkarmaya başlamasıyla 19. yüzyılın sonlarında başladı.

c. Write questions and answers as in the example. (Örnekteki gibi soru ve cevapları yazın.)

e.g. Ephesus / the most important port city /of its time.
(?) Was Ephesus the most important port city in its time?
(+) Yes, Ephesus was the most important port city in its time.

1 The Greeks / enter / the city of Troy / in a wooden horse.
(?) Did the Greeks enter the city of Troy in a wooden horse?
(+) Yes, the Greeks entered the city of Troy in a wooden horse.
2 Emperor Anastasius / build / Dara / as a military garrison.
(?) Did Emperor Anastasius build Dara as a military garrison?
(+) Yes, Emperor Anastasius built Dara as a military garrison.

9. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Uplift Çalışma Kitabı 7. Ünite World Heritage Sayfa 49 Cevapları


a Complete the sentences with the words/phrases below. (Cümleleri aşağıdaki kelime/ifadelerle tamamlayınız.)

attraction trip sightseeing journey landmark destination set off

1 My friends and I took a(n) sightseeing tour in the city after we had lunch at a local seafood restaurant.
2 Our school trip was a disaster because the bus broke down on the way, and we had to spend the night in a hotel.
3 The Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was a(n) landmark for sailors.
4 After a four-hour railway, journey we arrived at the town centre in the afternoon.

5 We could not set off on time, so we missed the train to the airport and took a taxi to get there.
6 Parque da Cidade, a vast green space, is undoubtedly the most popular tourist attraction in the city.
7 Before we reached our, destination we made a quick stop at the street market to buy some souvenirs for our family members.

b Read the text and write answers and questions about it. (Metni okuyun ve onunla ilgili cevapları ve soruları yazın.)

1 Q: When did Gobustan gain worldwide fame?
A: Gobustan gained worldwide fame when UNESCO listed it as a World Heritage Site in 2007.

2 Q: What were ancient people's daily activities?
A: Ancient people's daily activities included hunting, fishing, dances, battle scenes, bullfights, and camel caravans.

3 Q: Who started archaeological digs in Gobustan?
A: Azerbaijani archaeologist Ishaq Jafarzadeh.

4 Q: Why did the studies in Gobustan have to stop in 1940?
A: The studies in Gobustan had to stop in 1940 because the Second World War broke out.

c Read the text again and write four more questions and answers about it. (Metni tekrar okuyun ve onunla ilgili dört soru ve cevap daha yazın.)

1 Q: How many rock paintings are there in Gobustan?
A: There are 6,000 rock paintings in Gobustan.

2 Q: What do the cave houses in Gobustan indicate?
A: The cave houses in Gobustan indicate that early humans used the region as a living area.

3 Q: What do the pictures at the Gobustan site depict?
A: The pictures at the Gobustan site depict ancient people's day-to-day activities, animals, dances, battle scenes, bullfights, and camel caravans.

4 Q: What texts did Azerbaijani archaeologist Ishaq Jafarzadeh find during his studies in Gobustan?
A: Azerbaijani archaeologist Ishaq Jafarzadeh found Roman and Arabic texts during his studies in Gobustan, which helped him better understand the region's history in antiquity and the Middle Ages.

d. Search for a civilization on the Net and write a few sentences about its history in your notebooks. (İnternette bir medeniyet arayın ve not defterlerinize onun tarihi hakkında birkaç cümle yazın.)

Mesopotamia, located in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, was an ancient civilization known for its early contributions to human history. Emerging around 3500 BCE, it developed writing systems, established the first cities, and made advancements in agriculture and mathematics. Despite its eventual decline around 500 BCE, Mesopotamia's legacy continues to influence modern society.


Dicle ve Fırat nehirleri arasındaki bölgede yer alan Mezopotamya, insanlık tarihine ilk katkılarıyla bilinen eski bir uygarlıktı. MÖ 3500 civarında ortaya çıkarak yazı sistemlerini geliştirdi, ilk şehirleri kurdu, tarım ve matematikte ilerlemeler kaydetti. MÖ 500 civarındaki nihai düşüşüne rağmen Mezopotamya'nın mirası modern toplumu etkilemeye devam ediyor.

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